Talks and interviews
Face to Face Paul Garner and Stephen Lloyd have featured in two separate episodes of Revelation TV's Face to Face programme. In conversation with host Tim Vince, each talk about their testimonies, scientific careers and involvement in research, church and creation ministry. Face to Face with Paul Garner click here (YouTube). Face to Face with Stephen Lloyd click here (YouTube).

Face to Face with Paul Garner.

Face to Face with Stephen Lloyd.
Men and women imaging God together Stephen recently returned to the opening chapters of Genesis in his regular ministry at Hope Church Gravesend, to preach on ‘men and women imaging God together’. Part of a series on the church, he dealt with male and female identity - created and complementary - and how this relates to the gospel (main message from 29:45 to 1:20:35) click here (YouTube).

Face to Face with Paul Garner.
Radiometric Ages Do radiometric ages always agree? Paul Garner, along with Micah Beachy and Benjamin Kinard, talk to Dr Ken Coulson, host of Creation Unfolding, about a paper they presented at last year’s International Conference on Creationism. Their answers may surprise you! Do radiometric ‘ages’ always agree? click here (YouTube).
Credible Faith Paul Garner talks to Paul Larson of Credible Faith about the age of the earth, sedimentary rock, radiometric dating, the Flood and the Ice Age. The interview was recorded at the end of 2021 but has only recently been posted online. Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth, with Paul Garner click here (YouTube).
Sermons on Enoch (Genesis 5) and 2 Peter 3 In January Matthew Pickhaver spoke at Bethel Baptist Chapel in Billinghay, Lincolnshire. There was a good response with discussion afterwards and many requesting copies of our Prayer News. Watch at these links to the church’s Sermon Audio page…
Morning message (Genesis 5): Walking With God | Bethel Baptist Chapel ( click here (Video)
Evening message (2 Peter 3) God’s Promise | Bethel Baptist Chapel ( click here (Video).
Creation, Evolution and the Scientific Evidence On 30 March Paul Garner was one of eight speakers taking part in an International Society for Biblical Hermeneutics webinar on creationism. Paul kicked off proceedings with a talk entitled ‘Creation, evolution and the scientific evidence’ in which he sets out a methodology for answering scientific questions arising from the biblical creationist position. It’s an excellent introduction to our approach. We recommend the other talks too. click here (Video).

Paul Garner webinar for International Society for Biblical Hermeneutics.
Flood Heat Problem video Our associate researcher Dr Bill Worraker has been investigating the heat problem associated with the Genesis Flood. We’ve produced this short video summarising his findings so far about the extent of the challenge it presents to a scientific Flood model, while research continues to explore possible solutions. What is the Heat Problem in Flood Geology? click here (YouTube).

A short video explaining the Flood heat problem.
BCT on Revelation TV! Paul Garner and Stephen Lloyd recently appeared on The Late Show on Revelation TV. Interviewed by Tim Vince, they spoke about our vision for a student research centre. The Late Show Bringing Creation Science back to Eduction click here (YouTube).

Paul Garner and Stephen Lloyd recently appeared on The Late Show on Revelation TV.
Fossils and the Flood Two earlier appearances by Paul Garner on Digging for Truth TV have been edited into a single audio podcast. In conversation with Henry B. Smith Jnr., Paul discusses what the natural world was like before the Flood, how that lines up with the imagery in our minds about animals on Noah’s Ark and more. Fossils and the Flood (Guest: Paul Garner) ( click here (YouTube).

Paul Garner on Digging for Truth TV.
Show Me Creation! While in the US in July, Paul Garner and Stephen Lloyd recorded interviews with Zachary Klein of the Missouri Association for Creation, on their ‘Show Me Creation!’ podcast. First, Paul reflects on the 9th International Conference on Creationism they had just attended, and talks about the paper he co-authored and presented on the order of fossils. How well do first appearances in the fossil record match evolutionary predictions? The answer may surprise you! Show Me Creation Episode 8 ( click here (MP3 18.4).
Paul then talks about the second paper he was involved with for the ICC. When different radioactive isotope dating methods are used on the same rock samples, will the measured ages agree? If not, how can we explain the variation and what are the implications? Listen in to find out! Show Me Creation Episode 9 ( click here (MP3 18.9MB).
Stephen discusses his work, in particular his paper on ‘chronological creationism’, which became our Creation Basics booklet, ‘Adam or death: which came first?’ Find out in the light of the New Testament, why death can only have come into the world after the Fall – and why the Flood must have been global – for the gospel itself and the cross of Christ to make sense. Show Me Creation Episode 10 ( click here (23.3MB).
Interviews with Seraphim Hamilton. Paul and his Let’s Talk Creation co-host Todd Wood have been guests on three episodes of the podcast of YouTuber Seraphim Hamilton. In the first interview, Seraphim asks Paul and Todd about how they got involved in creationist research, which scholars influenced them and their thoughts about the future, as well as why sceptics should consider creationism. Genesis and Science: The Past, Present, and Future ( click here (MP4).
In the second interview, the focus is geology. What geological evidence points to a worldwide flood? How much of the geological record was the flood responsible for? What about radiometric dating? Genesis, Geology, and the Future of Creationist Thought ( click here (MP4).
Finally, Todd introduces the study of the created kinds (baraminology) before he and Paul discuss unresolved creationist questions and how people can get involved. Genesis, Creation, and Biology: A Discussion With Todd Wood ( click here (MP4).
Digging for Truth TV! In two episodes of ‘Digging for Truth’, Paul Garner talks about his book Fossils and the Flood with host Henry Smith of the Associates for Biblical Research. Fossils and the Flood (Part One): Digging for Truth Episode 220 ( click here (MP4) Fossils and the Flood (Part Two): Digging for Truth Episode 221 ( click here (MP4)
Finding Genius Paul Garner talks about Flood geology for a recent episode of the Finding Genius podcast. Young Earth Creation: Making A Case For Biblical Geology ( click here (18.4MB).
The goodness of creation (MP3 15.7MB). Talk by Stephen Lloyd at the UK Creation Mega Conference, Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich on 25 October 2019. This talk was not professionally recorded which accounts for the sound quality. Download the accompanying presentation slides here (PDF 5.8MB).
Dinosaurs: new insights from creationist research (MP3 13.7MB). Talk by Paul Garner at the UK Creation Mega Conference, Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich on 24 October 2019. This talk was not professionally recorded which accounts for the sound quality.
Reformation Sunday sermon by Dr Stephen Bazlinton (BCT trustee) (MP3 7MB) at St Michael’s Church, Braintree on Sunday 29 October 2017.
Adam, identity and the gospel. Talk by Stephen Lloyd at the UK Creation Mega Conference (MP3 16.7MB), Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich on 27 October 2017. This talk was not professionally recorded which accounts for the sound quality.
Geological evidence against the millions-of-years time scale (MP3 16.8MB). Talk by Paul Garner at the UK Creation Mega Conference, Bethel Convention Centre, West Bromwich on 26 October 2017. This talk was not professionally recorded which accounts for the sound quality.
A conversation with … a young age creationist. Atheist Andrew Dart interviews Paul Garner, February 2016.
Geology, the age of the earth, and theological implications (young earth perspective). Talk by Paul Garner delivered to the Scientists Network of the European Leadership Forum on 3 June 2015.
Climate change: consensus, controversy, and insights from the recent geological past. Talk by Paul Garner delivered to the Scientists Network of the European Leadership Forum on 1 June 2015.
European Leadership Forum interview with Paul Garner, June 2015:
“How can climate change be addressed fairly, effectively and efficiently?”
“What is the scientific consensus regarding climate change?”
“How do the competing models of earth history affect the predictions for future climate change?”
“How can we come to reasonable conclusions about climate change and its causes?”
“What are the causes of climate change both now and in the past?”
“What patterns of climate change have scientists discerned in the past?”
“What benefits could result from climate change?”
“Why do some scientists criticise the climate change consensus?”
“What evidence is used in identifying and explaining climate change?”
Has science disproved Scripture? (MP3 14.5MB) Talk by Dr Stephen Lloyd delivered to the Saved2Serve conference in April 2014. There is also an accompanying handout.
Adam: where art thou? (MP3 26.9MB) Martyn Lloyd-Jones Memorial Lecture by Dr Stephen Lloyd at the John Owen Centre annual conference, 10 September 2012.
Creation and the story-line of the Bible. (MP3 46.8MB) Talk by Dr Stephen Lloyd at the God & Darwinian Evolution Conference, 13 November 2009. The conference was jointly sponsored by Paternoster and the King’s Bible College and Training Centre, Oxford. Download the accompanying Powerpoint slides here.
Grand Canyon: evidence for the global flood. Talk by Paul Garner, Edinburgh Creation Group, 4 March 2008.
Spreading oceans and shifting continents: understanding the global flood. (MP3 19.4MB) Talk by Paul Garner, Soham Baptist Church, 11 October 2007.
The ice age and the Genesis flood. (MP3 21.2MB) Talk by Paul Garner, Soham Baptist Church, 25 October 2007.
‘equipping the church
on origins’