Geological Time Scale
Our full-colour biblical geological time chart provides you with an understanding of how the events of geology fit into a biblical time scale in which the world is several thousands of years old, rather than many billions of years old.
On the right side, the chart breaks down the geological units as they relate to Creation Week, the pre-Flood world, the Flood, and the post-Flood world.
On the left side is the standard old-earth view of these same units, so you can translate the information you find in secular sources into a timeline built upon the Bible.
On the back is a clearly written and helpful description of why the geological column is a real and helpful guide to geology, and how the rocks and fossils fit into the different events of earth’s history in a way that honours Scripture.
Perfect for families, churches, home educators and Christian schools!
Product details. Dimensions 215mm x 91mm. Printed on durable card with a glossy finish on the time scale side. Modified with UK spellings from the Cornerstone Educational Supply original.
Prices within the UK (including postage) : 10 for £5 ; 25 for £10 ; 50 for £20 ; 100 for £30 . Please enquire for rates outside the UK.
Payment information. Cheques payable to ‘Biblical Creation Trust’ to BCT, P.O. Box 325, Ely CB7 5YH. Alternatively, email with details of your order (including quantities) and send payment by direct bank transfer, account details and payment methods here.

The Geological Time Scale
‘equipping the church
on origins’