Other websites

Human Genesis, an outreach of Core Academy of Science, helping Christians (especially evangelicals) understand how fossils, DNA and Genesis all work together in the creationist perspective. https://humangenesis.org

Core Academy of Science is a US-based research and educational organization dedicated to helping Christians better understand and appreciate science, especially in contentious areas such as the origins debate. Among other resources, Core Academy provides online short courses on a range of topics. http://coresci.org

The Creation Biology Society seeks to develop and nurture a community of dedicated researchers committed to understanding the life sciences from a young-age creationist perspective through meetings and publications. http://www.creationbiology.org

The Journal of Creation Theology and Science is a joint publication of the Creation Biology Society and the Creation Geology Society. It publishes peer-reviewed research articles, short reports, reviews, opinion essays and the annual conference abstracts. http://coresci.org/jcts/
‘equipping the church
on origins’